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  • June 29, 2023 Calgary Herald opinion piece suggesting that any blanket zoning changes to facilitate densification of Calgary neighbourhoods should be the subject of a plebiscite

  • November 6, 2022 Sprawl article  that is a dialogue among various stakeholders involved in the Banff Trail Restrictive Covenant lawsuit. CKE’s initiative is mentioned near the end. Note: The initial decision at trial mentioned in the article is being appealed to the Alberta Court of Appeal.

  • December 4, 2022 Calgary Herald article about Local Area Plans by Chris Welner, the President at the time of the Glendale/Glendale Meadows Community Association.

  • CBC report from several years ago about some Edmonton neighbourhoods that created restrictive covenants in their neighbourhoods in response to an emphasis on densification by the City of Edmonton.

  • Video presentations to Calgary City Council on October 4, 2022 by citizens from several communities about Local Area Plans. Guy Buchanan’s comments on behalf of the CKE Community Association and the questions that followed can be found at 8:22:10-9:02-20 of the link. Councillor Penner’s questions and comments begin at 8:53:50. Note: You will need to scroll forward.

  • December 8, 2022 Calgary Herald article about the objections of Wildwood residents to the Westbrook Local Area Plan.

  • January 18, 2023 Calgary Herald article about the approval of the Westbrook Local Area Plan and the residual concerns of some affected communities and residents.

  • January 17, 2023 Global TV's coverage of the approval of the Westbrook Local Area Plan that also addresses the residual concerns of some affected communities and residents.

  • April 5, 2023 Calgary Herald article about approval of the City’s Infrastructure and Planning Committee recommendation to Council that the Heritage Local Area Plan be approved. Note: While the article correctly notes that the majority of those speaking at the meeting spoke in favour of the Heritage Local Area Plan, it did not reference the 30 plus written submissions of residents of CKE who objected to the Heritage Local Area Plan.

  • March 2023 commentary about the City’s pending Chinook Communities Local Area Plan by the Elboya-Brittania Community Association. It outlines major concerns about that pending Local Area Plan after the “Protect the Hearts of Our Neighbourhoods” heading.

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